Kit Jones

Kit Jones

Software Engineer

Hero background

Hi, I'm Kit!

In 2024 I decided to take my passion for creation and problem-solving into the world of programming. With nearly four years in designer fashion retail management, and almost eight years in electronic music production, I wanted a career that challenged me while allowing me to build and innovate in new ways.

This journey began with the School of Code. A 16-week intensive bootcamp that started to reshape my life. Now as the course comes to an end, I’m looking to deepen my knowledge in both front-end and back-end development.


Project Name

A brief description of the project and the technologies used. Explain the problem it solves and your role in developing it.

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Project Name

A brief description of the project and the technologies used. Explain the problem it solves and your role in developing it.

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Project Name

A brief description of the project and the technologies used. Explain the problem it solves and your role in developing it.

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